Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ohio woman attacked in fast food drive through

A Norwood, Ohio, woman was assaulted recently while she waited in line at a McDonald's drive through. The victim was punched several times in the face, but police were able to arrest the perpetrator soon after the incident, The Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

Police say that the man, 38-year-old Timothy Glanton, jumped into the victims car and grabbed her cell phone. During the assault he demanded that she drive away, but his plans were thwarted when she made a commotion and another customer drove up to the drive through.

According to the news source, a witness saw Glanton run off from the scene and pursued him until she lost contact. She called authorities shortly thereafter and they were able to find him lying in some bushes nearby.

Individuals looking to protect themselves from becoming the victim of a similar assault may want to buy pepper spray. The personal safety device makes it difficult for a potential attacker to see and breathe and allows a victim to get to safety.  

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