The victim had been out in his yard gardening when the pit bulls got loose and ran over to him. The animals immediately starting attacking him, ripping off his right arm and severely damaging his left. He was on life support for five days before succumbing to his injuries, the news source added.
According to police records, this is the third incident involving these two animals. One man was attacked and bitten when taking care of a nearby home, while another was attacked upon entering the home of the dogs' owner. He had to get 40 stitches and is reportedly still having trouble using his hand properly.
In the previous two incidents, the dogs were quarantined but were given back to the owner. No charges were ever formally filed and the dogs were never declared dangerous.
Although it's not your job as an innocent bystander to be in charge, if you know certain animals near you could infiltrate your personal safety, you must stay alert at all times as animals can be unpredictable. If you feel unsafe, talk with your local police and carry pepper spray with you if you think you could come in contact with an unruly animal, as an added survival tactic.