Police said that the victim was leaving a house at 1:00 a.m. with friends, when a group of approximately six to eight people came up to him and jumped on him.
During the assault the suspects hit the victim in the eye, and the mouth. They also stole his backpack with his possessions inside. The victim got up and ran to a nearby home, where he was assisted in calling the police.
Officers spoke with witnesses and one party-goer informed officials that he had seen at least 7 or 8 men jump the victim. The witness was able to identify one of the men involved and claimed that the victim knew at least one of his assailants.
The source states that all of the suspects were between the ages of 16 and 17.
No matter where you are, you may be subject to an attack on your personal safety. Even if you're amongst friends, an attack could still occur and it's your job to be prepared for anything. Buying pepper spray to keep on your body if you are going to be out late or in a known bad neighborhood is one way to prevent mishaps from occurring.