Experts stress that all dogs are territorial, meaning there is no such thing as a "safe" breed. However, some dogs have been tamed and are more obedient than others. In any case, it is important for individuals to know how to protect themselves in the event of an attack.
"You've got to stand up to them. You can't run," Oklahoma City veterinarian Brett Boatsman told the news source. "Try to back them down. Make yourself look bigger and tougher than you are, but don't run at them. That's a sign of aggression from you, and they can be counter-aggressive."
Experts also warn against leaning on fences or coming too close to a dog that is on its own property. This will often cause them to react aggressively in an effort to protect their home.
Individuals interested in increasing personal safety may want to buy pepper spray. When used, it can temporarily blind an aggressive animal.