According to officials, the 19-year-old victim had been walking down a main street between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m. when she was approached from behind by two men. She said one man punched her in the face while the other tried to remover her pants.
The victim told police she was then able to punch the assailant trying to take down her pants in the face, he retaliated by then punching her in the face.
During the attack a vehicle drove by, which the victim believes caused the assailants to flee the scene. According to the news source, the victim said she was stunned by the incident and proceed to walk home with a black eye and bruised fist.
She reported that she never heard the men coming because she had been listening to music on her headphones.
Using earphones or a cell phone while walking alone can make you an easy target because you're less aware of your surroundings. For your own personal safety, you should avoid distractions while walking alone at all times. Purchasing pepper spray to keep in your purse or on your body may further protect you should an attack occur.