Recently, one woman in Atlanta was approached by a dangerous man on a trail at the Freedom Parkway, according to FOX affiliate FOX-5 News. He threatened to rape the jogger, which prompted her to run from the individual. The attacker began to follow her up the trail until she found other joggers to run to for help.
"I didn't know what was wrong," Tyler Swann, who assisted the jogger, told the news source. "So I asked her how can I help? She said I just got attacked someone tried to assault me."
Swann gave the woman water and proceeded to call 911. When the police arrived, the victim said that the man had a hammer in hand when he threatened to rape her. Although officers did not classify the incident as an attack because she was not physically assaulted, they are warning joggers to keep their eyes peeled while running.
Those who want to increase their personal safety can purchase pepper spray. When used properly, it can temporarily blind an assailant and give a victim the chance to run for help.